Leyanne Vergara

Leyanne Vergara | Travel Specialist

Phone Leyanne: 01452 345 623

Email Leyanne: [email protected]

Visit Leyanne: 4 St Michael's Building, Eastgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1PD

All about Leyanne

I’ve loved travelling from a young age, and learning about all of the beauty the world has to offer. It’s become a real passion of mine, and I’m proud to now be working alongside a well-travelled and professional team in Miles Morgan Travel’s Gloucester branch.

My adoration for travel grows stronger everyday but I notice it particularly each time I visit the Philippines. I’ve been five times now, and each time I fall in love with it more: I’ve explored various parts of the country and its beautiful islands and have never been somewhere that fills my heart with more joy. On one trip, I visited a stunning corner of the world called Hundred Islands in Alaminos City, and went cliff-jumping, as well as zipwiring from one island to another! It was unbelievable. On my most recent trip in 2023, I stayed in El Nido, Palawan: an area of gorgeous islands with rugged cliffs, boat trips and white sand and lagoons. The water is a fabulous turquoise, and the coral reefs are enchanting. I went island-hopping by boat, which was such a surreal experience – plus, the food on the boat was the most delicious I think I’ve ever tasted! I’ll be sure to return as much as I can, and I’ll never forget my time there.

I have an enormous list of places I’d love to travel to: at the top would definitely be the Alpine region. I’d love the chance to scout the stunning lakes and mountains of Switzerland and explore the sweet little villages. I’m learning so much everyday in my role as a Travel Specialist, and I cannot wait to travel further across the globe!

If you are looking to book your next getaway, I am more than happy to help! I’d love to serve you in our Gloucester branch.

Countries Leyanne has visited

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  • Czech Republic - Prague
  • France - Paris
  • Greece - Rhodes
  • Ireland - Dublin
  • Philippines
  • Scotland - Edinburgh
  • The Netherlands